Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pantothentic acid for acne

« ...Most people look for a fast way of curing their acne and are desperate to get a cure as quickly as possible. So, they believe that all the commercialised treatments will do the trick, but let me tell you they don't. They're expensive to purchase and when you get them home they sometimes make your skin worse from all the chemicals that are used to make them....
...At the outset, it is important for you to understand basically how blue light acne treatment actually works. In the simplest of terms, it works through a process by which a particular type of light wave is sent to the root of a pimple. This particular light wave is of a kind that actually destroys the bacteria that gives rise to pimples in the first instance....»
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«...Another great homemade acne treatment is a honey and apple mask, again it is all natural, and it's also great for people with oily skin. You will need to grate the apples into a fine pulp, then mix in four tablespoons of honey. Just apply to your face, leaving it on for ten minutes, rinse the mask off and you are done. Very inexpensive homemade acne treatment again....»
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tags: bad acne solutions, acne on breasts pregnancy symptom, clearasil total control 5 in 1 acne cleanser F moisturizer

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